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Meet Willie Nelson, now Living at Forever Home Donkey Rescue & Sanctuary!

Posted in Fundraising

Beading Divas January/February fundraising partner is Forever Home Donkey Rescue & Sanctuary (FHDR) in Benson, AZ. Their mission is to help donkeys in need of rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming. For more info, visit:

“Willie Nelson” was born into a Pack Burro racing family in Colorado. He was gifted to his owner of 21 years who loved Willie Nelson so much. She saddle broke him. Barrel racing, trail rides and parades were their fun times together. He Pack Burro raced for a number of years, but all this fun came to a halt when he developed arthritis in his knees. It became so bad that Willie was not able to stand from a laying down position in the Colorado winters.

Knowing she would be heart broken without him, his loving owner asked us if we could keep him in our warmer climate. She released him to us in 2022. Willie is one of the most loved donkeys that ever arrived FHDR. His home life was wonderful, his owner cared deeply for him and did everything she could to help him.

We are happy to care for this big guy. He still has issues with cold nights, but we now have him on three medicines, one pill daily, one injection monthly and 2 injections yearly. So far his drug regimen is keeping him from getting stuck when he lays down. Willie won’t ever be ridden again nor do all the fun activities he has in the past, but he will be able to live a quiet life here at the rescue with tons of friends – especially a jenny named Chia he seems to like a lot!

You can help Forever Home Donkey Rescue & Sanctuary save other deserving animals like Willie Nelson by purchasing one-of-a-kind, handcrafted Beading Divas bracelets. Cost per bracelet is $20. Bracelets make great gifts any time of year!

“COOL COOKIE” is in our Etsy shop, waiting for someone to get the munchies!

The best selection is online via Etsy but in Tucson you can also buy bracelets at Fuchsia Spa in La Encantada Shopping Center, and Silver Sea Jewelry in the historic 4th Avenue Shopping District (Silver Sea is open Tuesday-Sunday from noon-6pm.) 


  1. Will you bring some of these to Black Canyon for us to purchase?

    February 11, 2025
    • Hi Pat, I’m not sure what Black Canyon refers to, but this would be up to the rescue to set up bracelet sales at different venues.

      February 11, 2025

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