We are NOT accepting beads at this time due to storage limitations.
We can use ¼ inch satin ribbon in any color.
In the future, you’ll be able to donate beads to make one-of-kind handcrafted bracelets which raise money for animal charities.
Beading Divas to the Rescue would not have been able to do what we do (raise vast sums of money for animal charities) without hundreds of thousands of donated beads!
When we’re able to accept beads again, here is the procedure:
Whether you have a few strands, a box, a bucket, a barrel or a treasure chest of beads – we want them! Do you know of a bead store going out of business? Let us know!
When dropping off beads, include your name and email so we can email you a donation receipt. Here are some local venues to drop off beads:
- Silver Sea Jewelry, 330 N. 4th Avenue, Tucson 85705, 624-9954 (call to ensure that someone is there during Covid)
- Birdhouse Yarns, 2540 E. 6th Street, Tucson, 85716, 305-4187 (call to ensure that someone is there during Covid)
- IF YOU WANT TO MAIL BEADS, our mailing address is Silver Sea Jewelry, 330 N. 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85705 – attn: Beading Divas

Where can you find beads?
Yard sales, estate sales, Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, bead stores, on vacation, in craft stores, in your drawers, in your jewelry box (we also accept beaded jewelry that can be taken apart), ask your family and friends, bead websites. Link to this bead page.
Thank you for your generous bead donation. Please patronize a local bead store – beadHoliday
What kinds of beads can be donated?
A vast assortment of beads – wooden, metal, metallic, painted, clay, charms, glass, ceramic, turquoise, Lucite, gemstones, pearls, rhinestones, crystals, colorful, clear, neutral, fillers, fiber, mesmerizing, funny, designer, sparkly, artful, vintage, spooky, natural, all colors of the rainbow beads, handcrafted, high quality plastic, funky, stones, larger seeds, hardware, have holes, buttons, etc. Please no Mardi Gras beads (they cannot be restrung).
Do you provide a donation receipt?
Yes, upon request one will be emailed to you.
Thank you and please help us spread the bead gospel. Just bead it!