The following was penned by Cynthia David, Beading Diva.
I first met Harmony shortly after she arrived at the kennel. She came up to me in her kennel and gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen. She pulled her flews away from her teeth, chopped at the air, bobbed her head up and down, and did a happy dance. This routine always made me laugh, and she used it to get treats, meals, or to convince me it was time for a walk.
Her group of greys were all named for characters on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” I never saw the show but Harmony was a perfect name for her. Harmie was the sweetest grey I have ever met, she really had no interest in smaller creatures, her main goal in life was to be adored by humans.
Her second foster family was a young couple who lived nearby. They asked if I would take her for a long weekend when they were going out of town. I agreed and she got on famously with fellow greys, Mikey and Jan.
A couple of months later the couple asked me if I could take care of her for 2 weeks while they went to Thailand. Annie, her foster mom, said that on the drive over when she got near my house Harm became very excited, how charming is that?

Needless to say Harmony never went back to her foster home, her home was with me and the boys, and later, my husband Wayde. We shared our lives together for 9 years.
Harmony, Harmie, Harm-son, Harmel, Harmy Harm, Harmonium, Miss Choppy Chop (Michelle and Brian Caillet’s name for her) was a very special girl and all who knew her are saddened by her passing.