October and November bracelet sales benefit No Kill Pima County. NKPC is working to end the needless killing of shelter animals in Tucson and Pima…
Tag: animal
October and November bracelet sales benefit No Kill Pima County. NKPC is working to end the needless killing of shelter animals in Tucson and Pima…
October and November bracelet sales benefit No Kill Pima County. NKPC is working to end the needless killing of shelter animals in Tucson and Pima…
Lily, a 6 month old Heeler Mix
Posted in Fundraising
Lily was emaciated when she was pulled from a rural Arizona shelter by Hope of Deliverance. Our volunteers noticed a raging infection in her mouth.…
A Very Lucky Penny!
Posted in Fundraising
Penny the pig previously lived on a Native American reservation where many dogs run loose. She had been attacked on multiple occasions and never received…